H1B 被RFE期间,是否可以再次申请学校,获得F1身份

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今年刚抽到的H1B,5月初被RFE, 现在准备材料中。律师说我到的case风险很大,可能要到10月,11月才会有结果。我的opt 7月底到期。 现在有几个问题想请教律师

1.如果10月,11月最后结果是denied被拒,那我马上就没有身份了,也没有任何的grace period了,对吗?


2. 为了避免到时候瞬间失去身份,现在一边准备rfe 一边想再次申请学校,得到F1身份(传说中的可以用CPT继续工作,但是经过认证的正规学校),这样是否可行?简言之,就是将会牵扯到 我毕业的A学校的F1身份,正在申请中的H1B,申请新的学校B的F1,移民局那里是否会觉得有问题?

3. 有什么办法可以避免到时候瞬间失去身份的情况?到时候如果被拒,我是否必须尽快离境,除了结婚之外还有没有别的可以在美国境内转换身份的办法?



Currently you are covered by Cap-Gap.

If an H-1B petition filed on behalf of an F-1 student covered by Cap-Gap is denied, rejected, revoked, or withdrawn, the student will have the standard 60-day grace period (from the date of the notification of the denial, rejection,  revocation, or withdrawal of the petition) to prepare for and depart the United States.

The 60-day grace period does not apply to an F-1 student whose accompanying change of status request is denied due to  a status violation, misrepresentation, or fraud. In such cases, the F-1 student is ineligible for Cap-Gap extension of status and the 60- day grace period. Similarly, the 60-day grace period and  Cap-Gap extension of status does not apply to  an F-1 student whose petition was revoked based on a finding of a status violation, fraud or misrepresentation discovered following approval. In both of these instances, students are required to immediately leave the United States.

最新回答 7月 10, 2017 用户: Vera Su 律师

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