2015-12-10 | 【红色预警】到手的H-1B也能被撤销?一大波移民局突击考查正在袭来!(下篇)

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请前往此网址 http://www.uscis.gov/about-us/directorates-and-program-offices/fraud-detection-and-national-security/administrative-site-visit-and-verification-program 了解更多有关“行政实地考查项目”的相关信息。




1. 请提供这份H-1B申请受益人开始为贵公司的确切时间。(需明确提供某年某月某日)

2. 现在这位H-1B申请受益人是否还在继续为贵公司工作?

3. 如果这位H-1B申请受益人已经不在贵公司工作,请提供该名员工离职的确切日期。

4. 请列出该名H-1B申请受益人的具体工作职责,这些职责是否与当初H-1B申请时所提交的说明保持一致?

5. 这位H-1B申请受益人的具体工作地址是什么?

6. 这位H-1B申请受益人的具体家庭住址是什么?

7. 因涉及这位纽粉私人信息此问题具体内容省去这条内容主要涉及该申请受益人的工作职责细节信息。

8. 如果这位H-1B申请受益人已被调离原工作地点,或者需要在不同MSA(Metropolitan Statistical Area城市统计区)地点办公,请提供新LCA及H-1B Amendment的申请材料。

9. 请提供该H-1B申请受益人的当前薪资证明,包括至少三张最近的工资单,以及最近由国税局发放的W-2报税表格。



To XXX or appropriate HR representative,

I am an Immigration Officer with the Department of Homeland Security, US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). I am conducting a routine follow-up inquiry into an Administrative Site Visit Verification Program (ASVVP) site visit that was conducted 10/21/2015, at the petitioning organization location, XXX, for the beneficiary as listed on the USCIS petition.

Please respond by close of business on December X, 2015.

For more information about the USCIS Administrative Site Visit Verification Program, please click on the hyperlink (ASVVP) above.

The ASVVP site visit is related to a Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker (Form I-129) filed by your organization, XXX. The relating USCIS receipt number and beneficiary’s name are YYY/ ZZZ.

The Site Inspector was attempting to verify the employment of the Form I-129 beneficiary; however, the SI was unable to make contact with either the Signatory or the Beneficiary. Consequently, results of the site visit were inconclusive.

I am attempting to complete the Compliance Review via e-mail and would like your help with the following questions:

1) When (an actual date - i.e., mm/dd/yyyy) did the Form I-129 beneficiary begin working for XXX?

2) Is the Form I-129 beneficiary still employed by XXX?

3) If applicable, when (an actual date – i.e., mm/dd/yyyy) did the Form I-129 beneficiary stop working for XXX?

If you would also like to submit a request to withdraw this petition, you can attach a withdrawal letter to your reply email, and I will take care of it for you.

4) Please list the specific job duties that the Form I-129 beneficiary is performing: Are these the same duties the beneficiary was hired to perform?

5) Where is the physical/geographic work location for the Form I-129 beneficiary?

6) Where is the physical/geographic residential location for the Form I-129 beneficiary?

7) Details of personal info, omitted.

8) If you have moved the beneficiary to a new worksite or multiple worksite locations outside the metropolitan area of the certified LCA filed with the USCIS petition, please provide a copy of the amended petition and certified ETA Form 9035/9035E (Labor Condition Application for Nonimmigrant Workers) authorizing the Form I-129 beneficiary’s placement at the new worksite or multiple worksite locations. The amended petition and LCA documents can either be attached to an email response or sent to our secure fax at the fax number indicated below.

9) Please provide the current annual compensation for the Form I-129 beneficiary to include a copy of the most recent IRS Form W-2 issued to the beneficiary and the last three consecutive payroll statements. These documents can either be attached to an email response or sent to our secure fax at the fax number indicated below.






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